Information for pilots visiting Bergen and Norway

Bergen Hang- og Paragliderklubb (BHPK) is the local club in the Bergen region responsible for operating and maintaining the flying sites, the safety of pilots and local rules / regulations. Visitors are welcome to join us for flying, the club simply asks that you familiarize yourself with local regulations and flying rules by contacting any of our members eligible to give a site briefing or are familiar with the site.
Easiest way to do this is by joining our Facebook group where most of the flying is organized (there is no official WhatsApp / Telegram group) for any contact with local pilots and up to date information. Its mostly in Norwegian, but say hi and let yourself be known, and someone will surely help with all the information you need.
All foreign pilots with a valid licence are allowed to fly in Norway for up to 6 months as a guest pilot. You are allowed to fly according to your licence. Norway use the IPPI system and you are obliged to bring your licence and valid insurance with you and show them upon request.
The land that we use for flying is all owned or rented by someone, and we use it for our sport by consent, not by right. Our ongoing use of these sites often depends on our ability to demonstrate that our members will continue to comply with conditions agreed with landowners and tenant farmers, otherwise the sites might be closed without notice.
Special attention is needed for the flying site Mt.Ulriken (mountain overlooking the city with cable car to the top) as this is a heavily restricted site due to airspace restrictions (as we fly close to Flesland CTR), helicopter traffic to the hospital and generally good landing experience is needed. Flying here is based on agreement with local authorities and other affected parties, and breaking the rules can see the site shut down without notice. This is restricted to pilots with a Pilot rating only (IPPI-3 minimum). Club pilot (CP) license is not accepted for this site. A site briefing is mandatory to fly Mt.Ulriken for all visiting pilots.
If you do not have a facebook account you can also contact our club chairman Frode Fjeldberg, +47 922 93 099,
For safety related matters contact our Safety officer Nikolas van Etten: / +47 91338576
For updated information and official rules and regulations please refer to the Norwegian Air Sport Federation.
Useful links:
Norwegian Air Sport Federation - Official administration for flying and air sports in Norway.
Airspace maps - Layout of the Norwegian airspace in Google maps
Paraglider Norge - General paragliding Facebook group, nationwide. For general information and talk about paragliding in Norway.
Holfuy weather stations - Our main flying sites have weather stations found in the list on this website.
Flightlog - National logging website with all take-offs and flights by Norwegian pilots registered. Norwegian pilots are required to log flights here (sites such as Leonardo or Xcontest are less used).
Other information:
VHF frequency: 154.175MHz - Do not use for "smalltalk". Information and important messages only.